Reporting crimes and incidents – Kent Police now online!

The public can now report crimes and incidents as well as non-injury road traffic collisions ONLINE directly to us through their website ( Once a report is made to them online, the user will receive a unique reference number and a return email confirming receipt.

 They are promoting both as a test/pilot at this stage. At the end of each form is the opportunity for the public making a report to give them feedback on using the forms.

 The overall aim is to provide another choice for how the public can report crime or incidents as well as try to reduce the number of people calling 101 on non-urgent issues that could easily be dealt with through digital contact (which increasingly a lot of people prefer and have asked them to provide).

 The Police contact page has been updated in line with this.


Myself and a long time resident of Wormshill recently met Michele Snoding, KCC’s Footpaths officer regarding footpaths around the village. It was a useful meeting and she is now in contact with those where footpaths run over their land with the intention of keeping stiles and gates in good repair.

She mentioned that there is a website where problems can be reported. It is as follows:

Worth bearing in mind if you don’t otherwise know who to speak to. There are some great paths locally to get a bit of exercise and see the countryside.

Maidstone Farmers Market

4th Friday of each month – 10am – 2pm

Jubilee Square, High Street, ME14 1SA

22 December 2017

26 January 2018

23 February 2018

23 March 2018

27 April 2018

25 May 2018

22 June 2018

Kent Rural police update – 13th September

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50:50 Village Hall prize competition!

The Village Hall Committee has a number of ambitious objectives to undertake some urgent repairs to the Village Hall  as well as making the hall a more desirable location through making a number of improvements to the hall and its environs. This of course requires funding.

As part of this, Denise Gee is kindly running a 50:50 competition where individuals can assist with fundraising with a minimum £10 contribution and a chance to raise some meaningful cash prizes. Some villagers have kindly underwritten the competition guaranteeing that there will be no less than 100 shares so you could win a first prize of £75, 2nd of £37.50 and 3rd £12.50, but these will double if more contributors enter, so get those cheque books out and start writing!

Attached are the prize amounts proposed, the rules and most importantly the application form!

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A new monthly coffee morning in Wormshill!

Wormshill Management Committee are pleased to announce a new, regular event to take place on the first Tuesday of each month.

Everybody welcome – a chance for the young and young-at-heart to share an hour or two of tea/coffee, home-made cake and convivial company. Selection of table top/board/card games available for those wishing to “have a go”. Lifts can possibly be arranged for anyone wishing to come but without transport/less mobile. The dates and times will be:-

Tuesday 4th July 10am -12 noon

Tuesday 1st August 10am – 12 noon

Tuesday 5th September 10am – 12 noon

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wormshill Coffee Mornings

Kent rural police update – 7 June

Download “Kent rural policing update - 7th June” Weekly-rural-policing-report-7th-June-2017.docx – Downloaded 2028 times – 75.62 KB

Minutes of the 123rd Annual Village Meeting – 12th April 2016

The minutes were approved at the meeting on 4th April 2017.

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Agenda for 125th Annual Village meeting – 17th April 2018

Come along to the 125th Annual Village Meeting, 7pm in the Village Hall on Tuesday 17th April.

Its your chance to comment on the state of the village and hear from our Kent Councillor Shellina Prendergast and hopefully also our Maidstone Borough Councillor, Patrik Garten. Kent Police are unfortunately unable to attend in person but may provide a report and welcome any comments raised at the meeting.

This is a draft agenda, let me know if there is anything else you wish to discuss.

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Village clean-up

Many thanks to all her helped litter pick on the 12th. We did all the village and quite a bit outside it. It is amazing how much and what sort of rubbish there was to be found – energy drinks in particular plus beer cans – some people literally do drink and drive but are then happy to litter the countryside rather than their car or van.

Below is a picture of everyone enjoying a post-pick bacon bap, oat cake and cup of tea on the village website.

If you are interested in helping out next time let me know – this time word of mouth rapidly meant we easily had enough without any more advertising, plus a good haul of youngsters involved, which helps convey a sense of civic responsibility for our village. Well done to everyone!






A word of thanks to Maidstone Borough Council – they had previously provided hi-vis jackets, gloves, bags and litter picking sticks so that we can do this as and when – normally before everything gets too abundant (in spring)  or starts to drop (in the autumn).

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